The Design and Manufacture of Custom Footwear
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Custom molded shoes are an essential tool when working with hard-to-fit feet such as patients with severe edema or partial foot amputations. We will look at the process of designing and fabricating molded shoes from start to finish. Learn best practices for serving this challenging group including casting and dispensing tips.
- Custom molded shoes are an essential tool when working with hard-to-fit feet such as patients with severe edema or partial foot amputations. We will look at the process of designing and fabricating molded shoes from start to finish. Learn best practices for serving this challenging group including casting and dispensing tips.
Seamus Kennedy, BEng (Mech), CPed, FAAOP(A)
Certified Pedorthist
Hersco Ortho Labs
Séamus Kennedy has been a Certified Pedorthist since 1996 and is an Associate Fellow of the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists. He originally studied Mechanical Engineering at University College Dublin and worked in industry for 7 years. Seamus and his brother bought Hersco Ortho Labs in 1995 and developed it into a modern central fab for custom foot orthotics, AFO’s, gauntlets. He is also co-owns iOrthotics, a 3D Printing hub.

10 Questions | 3 attempts | 80/100 points to pass
10 Questions | 3 attempts | 80/100 points to pass
CE Credits
1.00 S credit | No certificate available
1.00 S credit | No certificate available
Credits as approved by American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics (ABC) and Board of Certification/Accreditation (BOC). CE Credit reports are sent to ABC & BOC on a monthly basis. AOPA is an education sponsor. We do not award CE Credits as the education provider.